Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sticky Letters

Our abc activity today worked on ordering the letters in the alphabet and recognizing which letter was missing. This was an easy one to prep, as I wrote the letters on small sticky notes and he put them on the wall while I wrote each letter. He started out placing them in a straight line but wanted to make it into the letter j. After we had them on the wall we sang our abc song as he pointed to each one. This is good practice because when he gets to l, m, n, o, p he rushes as if one letter lmnop. :)

I told him to hide his eyes. While he hid his eyes, I removed one letter and replaced it with a different color sticky note. (For more of a challenge, you could not use this. But I felt it would be too difficult for him.) At first he had trouble figuring out which letter was missing. He would say the letter that was in front of the missing letter rather than the missing letter. Then he caught on with the game. He easily identified the missing letter when it was at the beginning of the alphabet or the end. For the letters in the middle, he had to orally recite the abc song.

Of course, he wanted to extend the game by switching roles. However, as soon as I uncovered my eyes he would scream and laugh out the missing letter.

After the game was over he waned to write the letters on the little notes. You can see some of the letters he wrote and put above mine.

I will definitely do this again. I have a feeling they will be on our wall for awhile or all over our house.